Q For this DQ, please present an imaginary case study of someone with a mood disorder. Describe all of their symptoms, their demographics (make sure to include their gender identity and age), what their life issues currently include (i.e. stressors, relationships, etc.) and any other relevant information. Remember, you are making this up, so get as creative as you like! Now, imagine you are this person’s therapist. Provide a diagnosis based on the information you have described about this client. Prescribe a treatment plan including therapy and medications. Make sure to provide specific recommendations. Discuss and link the symptoms with the current issues you described (ex: potential causes for the disorder). Try to put everything into your own words and always cite your source(s). Be as thorough as possible for full credit. Full credit for this section = a lengthy, multi-paragraph (at least 3 paragraphs) answer. Paragraphs are a minimum of 10 lengthy sentences. This section is worth 24 points. You will then comment on at least two other students' posts for 10 more points (5 each). Your other post comments can be answering another students' question or correcting a classmate's incorrect responses or sharing an experience that is relevant to the material and linking it to their post. Therefore, each post responding to your classmates should be a couple of paragraphs long. You may also choose to comment on 4 fellow student responses (one paragraph each).
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